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A question I’m frequently asked is,

what does a health coach do?

In the most generic terms, a health coach provides guidance and accountability so that you can get clear on what you want and develop a strategy to get there; usually focused on healthier habits and lifestyle changes. Most health programs are dressed up diet plans (designed by men for men). These plans don’t take into account a woman’s needs or dynamic hormonal system, and therefore are destined to fail.

My unique approach honors that wellness is more than a pant size. It’s about being well. The path to well-being isn’t linear, it needs to respond to your emotions, your hormonal cycles, your energy levels, your stamina and focus, demands of relationships, work stressors, and all of the balls you juggle.

Years of coaching have taught me that as a woman approaches her forties, she’s most successful when we connect the mind to body and spirit for an integrated, embodied approach to health and life. From this foundation, you can’t help but …

create a healthy, joyful future!


Your Wellness Blueprint


When you discover your unique Wellness Blueprint, you can measure your results in the radiance of your skin, ease of digestion, resiliency in your immune system, hormonal harmony, and vibrancy in your head and heart!


Eat to Thrive

You’ll discover your unique, individualized, optimal diet to maximize your energy, immune function, hormonal balance, and metabolic health. Food isn’t the problem, but the solution. Restore balance to mind body and spirit through nutrition.


When you return to key ancestral practices for health, such as spending time outdoors and in tune with your circadian rhythm, your mindset, movement, mood and health all benefit. This has been scientifically proven. A multitude of distractions and constant stimulation are steering our health off course. Going back to your instincts, your innate wisdom, keeps your systems working efficiently and effectively.

Hone Healthy Habits

You’re creating the circumstances of your life through your thoughts and repetitive actions. When you change your habits, you can change your life! If you are doubting your own ability to make positive and permanent changes, let me show you how to transform your unconscious brain into a willing participant.